THE AMACHEWER for February 2003 NEXT MEETING is February 14, 2003 at the Indianapolis Training Center 2002 IRC Officers President : Bill Goodall - K9DBY 255-4749 Vice- President : Trevor Fulk - N9LTO 496-2386 Secretary : Maria Chambers - KB9RLG 357-6308 Treasure : Wade Kingery - W9JGZ 255-5191 Chief Operator : Mike Carmer -KB9RBF 357-6308 News Editor : Bob Marschel -KB9TEA 727-6636 Board Of Director : Tom Chance - K9XV 783-1093 Meeting Minutes from our January 10, 2003 Meeting: Meeting was held at the Indianapolis Training Center at 7:30. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Introduction of all members was given by each member. Treasurer's report was given and it was accepted. The secretary gave a summary of December Meeting / Dinner. There was a total of 23 members in attendance It was explained about the Training Center and how it came to be. The meeting was turned over to Trevor Fulk for his presentation. His 1st presentation was on a video on Tentec in Serville Tn. It was on a guided tour of the Tentec Plant which was interesting. The second of the two videos was titled "Last Voice out of Kuwait." This was a very informative video on how the war of Kuwait came to be and the courage of one man named Abdul, who helped his people by operating a Ham Station and telling the world and our government of the goings on of Sadam Hussein how he treated his people and what he planned for the US. Thanks to this mans' courage, he told where and when to strike during the Gulf War. They had a shortage of food and medicines, his broadcasts on the ham band was heard by a ham operator out of Ft. Wayne, In. Abdul did his transmissions for 3 mos. everyday. He also talked to the USS Kennedy and to the proper government connections. He boardcast till the war was over. This man Abdul, had the courage to save his people. For those of you who could not attend the meeting you can get this video through ARRL if they still have it available. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. This Month's guest speaker will be Frank Dick, WA9JWL the topic will be on Traffic Nets : Operations and Procedures. Frank is the Section Traffic Manager for the Indiana Section. See you all at the February 14, 2003 meeting.